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Review0 Benefits for Authors - What Benefits Review0 Provides to Authors

Top 25 Benefits for Authors - Why you should start using Review0 Today

Review0 provides Authors with 25 Main Benefits. We've divided them into two sections below - The Top 10 Benefits; Additional 15 Benefits

Top 10 Review0 Benefits for Authors - Save Time, Use Money Efficiently, Only Legitimate Businesses, Peace of Mind, Give Back to Authors, Easy to Use, Trusted & Best Service Providers, Cradle to Grave Coverage

First, let's look at the Top 10 Review0 Benefits for Authors
  1. Save Time - It would take you months, perhaps years, to research and find the best service providers in each of the 200+ categories at Review0. We've done all the work for you

  2. Make the Most of Your Money - We list the best service providers and these consistently give you the most value for your money

  3. Only Legitimate Businesses - Only verified legitimate businesses are included. Any businesses included are verified as legitimate, problem free businesses. While Review0 doesn't include each and every honest service provider, the service providers included are all honest and legitimate businesses

  4. Everything in One Place. Review0 provides information and reviews on every service and product an Author needs in One Place. Additionally, Review0 ranks all of them (whenever possible) and recommends the best ones (based on input from authors and our own experience) as Review0 Pick and Review0 Top Pick

  5. Peace of Mind - Every single Service Provider included in Review0 has been verified to be a real company. Every single service provider included in Review0 has been checked and researched and we have made sure to leave out anyone with a problematic history. You can focus on getting your writing and publishing done without worrying about whether you picked an unreliable service provider

  6. Share Your Experience and Knowledge - You can share your experience and knowledge with fellow authors by writing reviews for the good service providers you have worked with

  7. Easy and Simple - Everything on Review0 is easily accessible. If you want to 'search' then just type what you are looking for in the search bar at the top of every page and press the purple 'Search' button. If you prefer to browse by 'category' of service provider, then press the 'Switch Review Category' button at the top of every page to bring up the Menu. Then choose whichever category of 'Service Provider' you are interested in and click on that category

  8. Trusted Service Providers - The most trusted Service Providers in Every Category are included. Whether you're a new author or an experienced one, you might be unaware of who the most trusted service providers in each category are. We compile extensive lists that help you narrow down your choices and make a great decision

  9. The Best Service Providers - We only include the best service providers. It would take you an incredible amount of time and money and trial and error to figure out what we've figured out based on our 11 years of experience in this market

  10. Cradle to Grave Guide - Review0 covers every aspect of your journey as an author. Right from figuring out what to write (What to Write Pillar) to the actual writing (Write Your Book Pillar) to polishing your book (Polish Your Book Pillar) to how to sell your book (Sell Your Book Pillar)
Review0 is your one stop solution for all your needs as an Author

15 Additional Benefits of using Review0 - Simplicity in Choosing, Clear Structure, Only Real Businesses, Official Reviews, Valuable Information, A Search Engine, A Decision Engine, Intelligence & Advice, Work Better, Be Happier, Be Positive, Be in Control, Be Part of a Virtuous Cycle

Review0 also provides the following 15 additional benefits to Authors. These are benefits you won't find anywhere else. We take a holistic view of the entire Writing and Publishing Cycle. We do Cradle to Grave coverage of every purchase decision an author makes
  1. Simplicity in Choosing a Service Provider - Instead of having 100s of service providers in each category with authors having to figure out which are good, we select the best ones. We also categorize them and mark the absolute best ones as Review0 Pick and Review0 Top Pick. Out of these trusted, high quality Service Providers, you pick the one that seems the best fit for your needs

  2. Clear Structure - There are 12 main Pillars arranged according to where in the Writing and Publishing Cycle you currently are. Each Pillar has 10 to 20 categories. You can find service providers based on Exactly Where in the Writing and Publishing Cycle you currently are. Whether you are writing your book and looking for apps and software and hardware suited for authors, or you are marketing your book and looking for the best marketing options, you can find recommendations and reviews for the services and products you need

  3. Only Real Businesses and Real People - Each and every Service Provider is confirmed as a real business and a real person. So you are always picking a verified human being with a verified location

  4. Official Review of each Service Provider - In addition to listing good, legitimate, trustable service providers, we also do an official review for some of the service providers we add. We make sure to share lots of details and nuances which help you make a smart decision

  5. Valuable Information and Context - Whenever possible we provide information on budget range, genres the service provider specializes in, and special tips and advice for each service provider

  6. A Search Engine - Search quickly and easily to find what you are looking for. Search searches through not just service providers but also through reviews. It's a search engine built especially for authors

  7. A Decision Engine - We don't just provide you a list of the best service providers, we help you make a smart decision by providing an official review, providing data, verifying the service provider is legitimate, and ranking service providers

  8. Intelligence and Advice - We share insights and advice based on our 11 years of experience in this industry. Please read the page on No One Absolute Truth. We are not saying 'we know everything'. We know only 5% to 8% of everything there is to know. If you're new, you know just 1%. Even if you've been in the market for 5 years, you know only 2% to 4% of everything there is to know. Review0 will allow you to make the most efficient use of your time (your most valuable resource). We will also help you make the most of your money, your physical energy, and your psychic energy. Let us help you allocate your precious resources intelligently and wisely

  9. Improve Your Skills - Review0 enables you to improve your skills (Improve Your Skills Pillar), get more credibility (Trust Pillar), and figure out what genre/category you should write in (What to Write Pillar)

  10. The Right Approach For You - Review0 helps you approach writing and publishing in a direction that suits you, and at a pace that suits you

  11. Work Better with and within the Ecosystem - By browsing through the different Pillars and Categories you can get a good idea of what the Ecosystem looks like and how best to work with the various service providers. Sooner or later you will have to work with service providers in many of the Review0 categories. By browsing through the different Review0 categories you can start getting a good idea of the ecosystem and how you should allocate your resources and how best to work with service providers

  12. Be Happier - when using Service Providers and Products included in Review0, you never have to worry about being taken advantage of, and you never have to worry about being stuck with mediocre products and services. You can focus on what you love best - writing books, selling books, reaching readers, building your career as an author

  13. Be Positive and Avoid Negativity - Most review sites and forums are full of negativity with people constantly focusing on what didn't work. What is important is What Actually Works and at Review0 we focus on that. At Review0 you can focus on finding good service providers that work, getting information and insights, and making a smart decision on who to work with. All without wasting your psychic energy and time reading about what does not work

  14. Be Proactive and Be in Control of Your Resources - By focusing on the BEST and MOST TRUSTED Service Providers, Review0 allows you to be in Firm Control of Your Resources and allocate them only to products and services that work. You have the choice to be proactive and work with the best service providers and create the best possible product (your book) for your customers (your readers, current and future)

  15. Be Part of a Virtuous Positive Cycle - As more authors focus on good service providers, and as more authors return to Review0 and review service providers that worked well for them, the entire ecosystem will benefit. Very good service providers will have more customers and will be able to improve their infrastructure and services. Good service providers will have to improve their services to remain competitive. Authors will get more options and better options. By participating in Review0 (and by adding reviews for service providers that worked for you) you can be part of a Virtuous Positive Cycle that makes things better for good people on both sides (Author side and Service Provider side)

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